Samstag Apr. 22, 2006

Today's Links

NTM: The Java Implementation - Eine Java-Implementation des Nested Tree Model (also wie bilde ich einen Baum in SQL ab).
PostgreSQL Mailing Liste - Celko nested set functions -- tree move
Google Cheat Sheets
A Hype-Free Introduction to AJAX
Bad Astronomy Blog: MESSENGER images of the Earth
System Administration , Tools & Utilities: My sysadmin toolbox
ssync - Ssync is a minimalist tool for keeping filesystems in synchronization.
duplicity - Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup using the rsync algorithm
Prototype: Easing AJAX Pain
Installing Software on Debian with APT
Video: The History of Video Games
gTranslate Firefox Extension - Damit kann man aus dem Kontextmenü heraus Übersetzungen anstoßen. Genutzt werden die Google translation services.
Social bookmarking with Scuttle
Kick-start your Java apps, Part 2 - Easy, lightweight Ajax development with no-charge software
BringALink - the simplest social search on the planet
BlinkList: Social Bookmarking + Expert Recommendations = Discovery Engine
Wine Library TV (Videoblog): Episode #34 - Amarone wines from Veneto
Diigo: By combining social bookmarking, clippings, in situ annotation, tagging, full-text search of everything, easy sharing and interactions, Diigo provides a powerful personal tool and a rich social platform. - RSS/ATOM Feeds auf die eigene Seite integrieren leicht gemacht.
Gentlemen, fire up your clients - The 22C3 videos are online now (but via BitTorrent only until further notice)
TIP Simple GIMP Color Backgrounds
Google adds RSS reading lists sharing


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