Mittwoch Dez. 06, 2006

PostgreSQL 8.2 released

Nu is es endlich soweit: Von meiner Lieblings-DB gibt es eine neue Version! :-) Ich hab mal die wichtigsten neuen Features aus der Pressemitteilung rauskopiert:

Performance improvements: version 8.2 improves performance around 20% overall in high-end OLTP (online transaction processing) system tests. Users can gain even more in data warehousing efficiency. The changes include faster in-memory and on-disk sorting, better multi-processor scaling, better planning of partitioned data queries, faster bulk loads and vastly accelerated outer joins.

Warm Standby Databases: through an extension to our Point in Time Recovery feature (introduced in version 8.0), administrators now can easily create a failover copy of your database cluster.

Online Index Builds: index builds can now occur while applications write to database tables, allowing performance tuning without downtime.

SQL 2003 Features: PostgreSQL, well known for standards compliance, has added syntax for several more features introduced in the ANSI SQL 2003 specification, including: statistical aggregates, multi-row VALUE statments, UPDATE RETURNING and multi-column aggregates.

Advanced database features, being offered in PostgreSQL 8.2 before any other major database system, include:

Generalized Inverted Indexes: support a more scalable and programmable way of indexing semi-structured and full text data.

DTrace: PostgreSQL has also been instrumented for Solaris DTrace and other advanced tracing tools via the Generic Monitoring Framework.

Additional Features in this Release
As well as the major features listed in the press release, there are more than 200 new features and enhancements contributed by dozens of developers for version 8.2. Among them are:

    * Advisory Locks: allow application-level database object control using PostgreSQL's fast locking engine.
    * Selective pg_dump: permits drawing transactionally-consistent dumps of sets of relations, selecting their inclusion/exclusion using regular expressions.
    * Prepared Statements: has new administrative interfaces and performance improvements for prepared statements.
    * ISN/ISBN: this module, containing data types to support ISN product locators for inventory and retail systems, has been upgraded to support the latest international standards.
    * Cryptography: the pgcrypto module, supporting cryptography inside the database, has been updated with the latest algorithms.
    * SQL Enhancments: introducing new syntax, including UPDATE RETURNING, DROP IF EXISTS, ON COMMIT and new ownership and permissions commands, to make managing database objects on the command line easier.
    * PSQL Batch Selection: supports returning rows to the console in batches instead of all at once.
    * ECPG Refactor: the embedded PostgreSQL C interface has been extensively re-written and new interfaces added.
    * Major TSearch2 Improvements: UTF-8 support, thesaurus, query rewriting support and GIN indexing.
    * PL/Python: now supports named parameters and set returning functions.

Mal noch warten bis 8.2.1 draussen ist und dann nix wie upgraden... :-) Zum Schluss noch etwas Feuer in die Diskussion ob denn nun MySQL oder PostgreSQL schneller ist. Mir ist das eigentlich sowieso egal, da die PostgreSQL für mich aktuell einfach über jeden Zweifel erhaben ist. Die MySQL ist einfach ein zusammengeschustertes Teil, das man nicht mal selber kompilieren sollte und wenn dann nur mit ganz bestimmten Versionen des gcc wg. angeblicher Fehler im Compiler. Ich frag mich blos, wo da die eigentlichen Fehler sind. Die PostgreSQL hab ich schon auf sovielen Systemen kompiliert und das Teil läuft so stabil, das es eine wahre Freude ist. Und ich rede hier nicht von Datenbanken, die zehn Queries am Tag ausführen sondern von etlichen Millionen. Hier ein Link mit einem Performancetest (MySQL 4.1.20 vs. Postgres 8.2-dev) auf einem der neuen Woodcrest Xeons. Es ist schon toll, wie die Postgres skaliert. Ich stelle das auch immer wieder mit Freude fest auf unseren HP DL 585 mit 4 x AMD Dual Core Opterons. Ich liebe die Postgres-DB! Weiter so Jungs!

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